Getting out of the habit -- errr hobby!

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Getting out of the habit -- errr hobby!

#1 Post by johnlawrence1978 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:59 am

Hi all,

I am getting out of the hobby and have a lot of various odds and ends left that haven't been picked over by my friends yet.

I have a pretty nice Keezer setup, bought with a new-from-the-store deep freeze about 5 years ago. It was my second keezer build so I did it much fancier with all of my lessons learned, etc. from the first one. I used nice oak for the facade, insulated the inside, installed LEDs and fans, etc.

2 Perlick valves

4 Corny kegs

1 wide-mouth glass carboy fermenter

I'm not at home right now for a full inventory list but I have a bunch of other random odds-and-ends that I'll probably just give away if you want to buy any of the above.

I might forget to check in here, but please feel free to email me directly if you are interested. My email (no spaces) jwl 66046 at gmail dertcerm

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