Monty Pythons Holy Grail Ale

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Mr. Blues
Posts: 56
Joined: Sun Aug 13, 2006 1:42 pm

Monty Pythons Holy Grail Ale

#1 Post by Mr. Blues » Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:09 pm

Monty Pythons Holy Grail Ale (Tempered over burning witches) from the Black Sheep brewery in Yorkshire.

16.9 oz. bottles.

When the liquor stores first got this in seems like over last winter I had the same reaction a buddy of mine (whom I respect when it comes to taste in suds) did upon seeing the label on the bottle, namely:

"This has GOTTA be a joke!"

i.e., $4 a 16.9 oz. bottle, no description, statement of style of beer, etc., just the cartoon-hand-holding-the-goblet-with-animated-characters-in-the-goblet picture with the GR of the grail crossed out to make it look like Monty Python's Holy Ail ale.

Don't know why we never went to the Black Sheep website to check it out further but............

It went on sale for $2 a bottle a few weeks ago so I sez...OK, I'll buy us a few..

(Rule of tasting new you get the same reaction/opinion after the 2nd bottle as you did the first, inuddawoids, do you want /can stand a second one?)

Tried it before pulling up the website & both of us had a similar reaction:

GOOD. NOT a joke. Good English ale.

More hoppy than Bass, less hoppy than an american pale ale or an IPA.

Makes an excellent black & grail with (what else) Guinness!

My friend thinks it's well balanced for bitter/hoppiness for him while I think it's great but would still love even more hops.

Final judgement: If money were no object, we'd buy it if we were in the mood for an English ale in between a pale and an IPA.

At $2 a bottle, most certainly, hell yes, we'd buy it & love it regardless of occasion.

At $4 a bottle, it'd take something special to celebrate to buy this over Samuel Smiths' brews.

Side note: Goes good with spicy marinated/seasoned chicken breasts.


#2 Post by azure76 » Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:13 pm

Any german speaking people in this place? ...Irgendwelche englischsprechenden Leute in diesem Platz?! :)[size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size][size=0].[/size]

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