November 2020 Minutes - Virtual

Monthly Meeting Minutes will be posted here.

Moderator: Officers

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November 2020 Minutes - Virtual

#1 Post by beercritter » Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:24 pm

LBG November Meeting Minutes
7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020
Virtual meeting due to COVID-19. Held via Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube.

Presentation slides: ... p=sharing
YouTube Live Meeting:
Facebook Live Meeting: ... 90711344/

  • Presenters: Officers
  • Drinking: Ryan is drinking an Ad Astra Ale. Leigh is drinking a Bell’s Two Hearted Ale. Steve is drinking a Jester IPA. Brian and Nicci is drinking Knob Creek bourbon. John Pepin is drinking a homebrew hefe.
  • This is our eighth time having a virtual meeting. We'll continue with virtual meetings until we can have an in-person meeting.
  • Online/Virtual Hoppy Hour reminder every Thursday. Occasional trivia! Continuing through at least December. Ask if you’re having issues getting in.
  • A few members participated in National Learn to Homebrew Day on Nov. 7. Leigh brewed an oatmeal stout. Ryan and Brian brewed a brown. Gregg K. brewed a caramel amber ale.
Holiday Party
  • The in-person Holiday Party has been postponed to Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021.
  • Plans are underway for a bottle exchange to celebrate in December! Rather than congregate many of us to exchange beer, we’re doing it as a drop-off on Wednesday and Thursday, and a separate pickup on Saturday. Bring 72 ounces of beer, give or take, for the exchange in any equivalent: 6 x 12 oz. = 72 ounces; 3 x 22 oz. bombers = 66 ounces; 3 x 750 ml champagne bottles = 76.0816 ounces. You can bring commercial beer or homebrew to exchange. Please, don't give any beer you wouldn't want to receive!
  • Drop-offs: 5:30-7 p.m. Dec. 2 and Dec. 3 at Leigh’s house in Lawrence, 2231 Barker Ave; or 4-7 p.m. Dec. 2 and Dec. 3 at Ryan’s house in Shawnee, 12301 W. 54th St. If the times/dates don’t work for you but you want to participate, reach out to Leigh or Ryan to make arrangements. Pickup will take place on Dec. 5 (time TBA).
  • Watch for details on a virtual Zoom gathering on Dec. 5.
2021 Elections 25th Anniversary
  • Brewfest XXV has been rescheduled for Saturday, Oct. 9, 2021. We’ll have the campsite beginning on that Thursday.
  • 89 paid members
  • Make sure your dues are paid so you can vote in the officer election!
  • 5,878.88 total funds
  • Lots of new books now available: Homemade Liqueurs & Infused Spirits, Andrew Schloss; Brewing Eclectic IPA: Pushing the Boundaries of India Pale Ale, Dick Cantwell; Wild Wine Making: Easy & Adventurous Recipes Going Beyond Grapes, Richard Bender; Historical Brewing Techniques: The Lost Art of Farmhouse Brewing, Lars Marius Garshol; Yeast Fermentation Handbook, Harmony Sage; The Joy of Home Distilling, Rick Morris.
  • Bell’s Two Hearted Ale
  • Sign up to brew a clone for an upcoming meeting! Five volunteers are needed. The club will provide grain, hops and yeast. Each brewer will bottle 36 bottles due in January. If you have extra bottles to use, let Ryan know. Sign up at
  • The seminar featured special guest Debbie Cerda, Jester King Brewing Community Engagement Coordinator & AHA Governing Board Member, discussing blending beers, acidity level and fruit refermentation.
  • Free State Oatmeal Stout
Jenalea Myers
Critter Brewing Co.

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