February 2021 Minutes - Virtual

Monthly Meeting Minutes will be posted here.

Moderator: Officers

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February 2021 Minutes - Virtual

#1 Post by jwkeffer » Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:58 pm

LBG February Meeting Minutes
7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021
Virtual meeting due to COVID-19. Held via Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube.

Presentation slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/ ... sp=sharing

  • Presenters: Officers
Who has brewed recently or in the process of brewing?
  • Gregg Kipers - Doppelbach is carbonating
  • Paul Sedlacek - Just tapped a Kama Citra IPA
  • Josh Davee - has a Belgian Quad keg conditioning, Imperial Stout is in Secondary, Blonde Ale sitting on coffee beans. Brewing a Saison next week.
  • Dale Wheeler has two kegs frozen solid on the deck.
  • Steven Fritts - has a Dunkel lagering
  • Tara & James Taylor - have a brown ale, Citra IPA and a cider going.
  • This is our tenth time having a virtual meeting. We'll continue with virtual meetings until we can have an in-person meeting.
  • We have talked about meeting in person again in March, but it looks like we won't get there until May or June.
  • We still have some tee shirts available for sale at Clint's house.
Our new officers for 2021:
President: Lynette Good
Vice President: Josh Davee
Secretary: Jon Keffer (secretary@lawrencebrewers.org)
Treasurer: Jake Jeffers (treasurer@lawrencebrewers.org)
Librarian: Tara Taylor

  • Parkville in October
  • Brewfest in October
  • Holiday Party in December
  • Brewing Competition, but we need to work out the details
We need to have Brewfest committees for next month's meeting
We also need to get volunteers together to volunteer for Beer Competition
(Gregg Kipers has volunteered to work on the Competition amd the Beverage Committee for Brewfest)
Jake Jeffers has volunteered to take the lead on participation at Parkville.


  • Up to 14 paid members now
  • Just a reminder - get joined up so you can get to Brewfest and Parkville
  • Brought in about $212 in dues this month
  • Still holding around $6,000 total deposits
  • Books are still locked up at the church. It will be two or three weeks to get them back out of the church.
  • Tara is moving to a phone checkout process until we can meet in person again.
  • Tara will deliver to your house, pick up at the Home Brew Pro Shoppe or at James and Tara's house (masks and hand sanitizer is required.)
  • Tara is working on getting a catalog of the books in the library that we can share on-line.
  • Tell us what you want - we're looking for input om the direction for the club.
  • We're working on a method where we, as members, can share equipment and/or supplies.

John Moorhead - Competition Manager at the AHA
  • Overview of AHA history, benefits, membership
  • Judge Training and Sensory
  • Are we more intersted in Judging/Ciserone or are we interested in organizing for our upcoming compettion?
  • There's a lot of available information. It's recommended that you establish your basic goals first. That helps you build out your program.
  • Focus on putting together a program to get into judging. Off flavor classes are a good baseline to start off with. That helps to drive to a common vocabulary.
  • Discussion on how to prepare for the BJCP exam.
  • Regardless of test score, it's pending until you've got five experience points.
  • Testing is currently impacted by Covid. The best advice is to look for a local exam first because it can take 12 months to get on the schedule.
TASTING - Bells Two Hearted Ale Clones 4-6

BJCP category 21-A - Considered a prime example of an American IPA
Yeast - SLP001 in these samples - used a starter on the yeast 5.5 Litre starter, two stage propagation

Our members brewed six Bells Two Hearted IPA clones for tastings last month and this month. We tasted three last month and three more this month.
This months Brewers:
  • Angelo Ruiz (Head brewer at Yankee Tank brewing) and Jarrod Lynds
  • Josh Davee
  • Ryan Metcalf

Our next "Club Brewed" tasting will be in April & May
  • The idea is that three brewers will brew a beer with a fruit adjunct, which is provided by the club.
  • The club will provide up to $40 for other ingredients.
  • Style of your choice.
  • Preference will be given to members who haven't recently participated in "Club Brewed" events already.
Servaes Brewing will be hosting a home brew competition soon. This is for "adjunct" beers. The winner will get a "scale up" at the brewery in Shawnee.
Jon Keffer
Buckaroo Brewery
A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. -- Dave Berry

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