I came across this project recently and this looks awesome. A new way to track keg volume remaining. Pre-built or completely DIY using 3D Printed enclosures, fairly cheap and highly available sensors found on amazon, tiny bit of soldering, and food safe epoxy. Sensors get mounted to the keg lid and point downward, measuring the distance to the liquid. It measures distance, temperature, and co2 pressure inside the keg. It connects to local network over wifi, passes json data, and even has a local web server to display the measurements on a computer screen. There is also mobile apps for your phone with push notifications to alert you if temperature is too high or low, etc.
I plan on building at least one of these to see how accurate they are and just for a fun project. If they work well, I might have to build enough for all my kegs!
Time of Flight Distance Sensor for Keg Volume Tracking
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