Guild Payment option(s)

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Guild Payment option(s)

#1 Post by ryanmetcalf » Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:14 am

Couldn't find a current/active post detailing PayPal, payment options, etc, figured I'd start a new one
Looking to renew your membership? Trying to buy Brewfest tickets? Needing to do other business with the Guild?

The easiest/fastest/self-service method is via our PayPal: Since some folks will inevitably ask, PayPal did end the use of Friends & Family payments to business accounts

Other payment options include:
  • Cash/Check at monthly meetings
  • Mailing a check to the treasurer (PM for address)
  • Cash/Check drop off at treasurer or president's house(s) (PM for address)
Note, the Guild does not have a Venmo, and has explored that option, and found them to not be very helpful to business accounts that need to do handoffs (to new officers)

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