7 p.m. Thursday, June 11, 2020
Virtual meeting due to COVID-19. Held via Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube.
Presentation slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d ... p=sharing
YouTube Live Meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8mUSy57BQ4
Facebook Live Meeting: https://www.facebook.com/LawrenceBrewer ... 352572962/
- Presenters: Officers
- Drinking: Jenalea is drinking Canoe Club from Fields and Ivy.Travis Johnston drinking 8 Bit.
- This is our third time having a virtual meeting. We'll continue with virtual meetings until it's safe for an in-person meeting. The church has said it doesn't plan to reopen until September/October. If you have ideas for an alternative location we could meet while still socially distance, let Ryan know. For more about the church, see this forum post: https://lawrencebrewers.org/lbgforum/vi ... f=5&t=4559
- Online/Virtual Hoppy Hour reminder every Thursday. Occasional trivia! Announced continuing through at least June. Ask if you’re having issues getting in.
- KCBM is hosting Chris White for a Zoom presentation on June 19.
- Competition update: Big Brew-Off postponed until further notice. Trying to figure out if there’s alternative ways to work judging.
- Parkville has been postponed until Oct. 17.
- Pints for Pets is canceled for now. Maybe do something in the fall.
- Lawrence Public Library is planning another How-To Festival on June 20. Went virtual, library mentioned they’re doing breakout rooms. Jake is working on a basic how-to pre-recorded. If you wanna contribute, reach out to him.
- LBG Holiday Party is scheduled for Dec. 5
- Brewfest XXV is still scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 26. Will decide in late summer if event needs to be postponed.
- As part of the 25th anniversary, we wanted to see your best anniversary T-shirt designs! Jarrod Lynds had the winning design. Last call to snag yours! Sign up for a shirt at https://forms.gle/ic3xr9LGcj14jbir9.
- Jake has been corresponding with the church regarding rental fees during COVID-19. The LBG will receive a credit for months paid for that weren't used.
- Money updates – Few/little changes in income or expenses (see slides)
- Reminder about discounts at our local stores for membership
- New book: Artisanal Small-batch Brewing: Easy Homemade Wines, Beers, Meads, and Ciders
- KCBM Chris White presentation.
- 2020 Kansas State Fair Homebrew Competition
- Smithsonian article
- Black is Beautiful beer collab
- Leigh led the seminar on malting and mashing
- Ahaslides quiz and survey